Thursday, April 19, 2007

man in suit

The man looks like he is remembering his times in the war and thnking about how he had survived but all the names and picturesd of men in front of him didn't. He even may have seen or been friends with some of them yet he is standing on front of the wall and they are on it. It is sort of like when you are in a car crash and you are the only survivor. You knew all of the people who died and you were in the same position as them yet you didn't. You cant help but wonder why and how you survived and aren't one of the ones someone else is thinking about.

1 comment:

jbstew said...

I was in a similar circumstance when I was in college. My best friend and I were in a car accident--he was killed but I survived without any injury. For a long time a lived with a lot of guilt. Why did he die while I lived? It didn't seem fair to me. I felt like I should have been with him. However, in the days and weeks that followed, I began to realize that I was left unhurt for a reason. It became my mission to live my life in a way that would make my friend proud--it's one of the reasons I am a teacher. While I miss my friend every day, I think that I have become a better person because of what happened to him.