Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Carl Ealy

Carl Ealy was killed in the Vietnam war in south Vietnam. Carl was born in clevland Ohio. Carl Ealy was a sergeant at the age of 21 when he was killed. I already have visited this wall a few years back. When i was standing in front of the wall i started thinking of how huge the wall was and it was still covered with names of the men and women who had died. Its a kind of reality check to the amount of people who have givin their lives to help protect your freedom. I dont personaly have any family that were in the war but when you are there you feel like you have a connection to all of the soldiers who fought.


EMitchell said...

When learning about the war and the men and women who served, imagine the life that was before them and then taken away...21 years of age is very young. Think about how brave he had to be being so young and inexperienced.

jbstew said...

It's always amazing to me that many of the people who were killed in the vietnam war were not much older than the students I teach every day. While you are doing this project, I want you to think about about Carl and the sacrifice he made during the war--sometimes in history class, it's easy to separate yourself from past events since they happened so long ago. Hopefully, this blog will help make your study of the war more personal. I am looking forward to reading more.